Juice Cleansing + Colonics: How They Work Together

First things first, why do a juice cleanse?

A Juice Cleanse involves consuming only fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices to cleanse the body of old toxins and waste. Flooding your cells with live raw juices will help to eliminate toxins from the body. Consuming only fresh raw juice gives your digestive system a break from solids, freeing up energy usually required to break down food, to work on bigger jobs such as regenerating and rebuilding. More importantly, you will be getting a break from any refined sugars, processed starches, animal products, other cooked foods or stimulants you may normally ingest. Every person’s body has their own needs and juice cleansing is one of the ways people choose to detoxify and heal the body. Poor digestion is where a lot of ailments start. My previous blogs discuss what good digestion looks like, as well as the perfect poop, which can tell you if you need a jumpstart in this department.

The Body:

The easiest way to think about your body is to understand that it is a machine. If the machine is well kept, nurtured, and checked up on, the machine will live a long, healthy life. If the machine is abused, dirty, or not managed appropriately, it will start to rust and break down. Your body manages newborn cells, as well as dying cells, every day. If you choose to feed these cells dead foods (i.e. fast or fried food), your cells will reflect this input. The cells are your sponge to absorb nutrients and release waste filtered through the 5 organs of elimination.


If this absorption is impaired, the imbalance causes physical ailments and mental blocks. Again, simple ways to know if this imbalance is occurring is if you are eating enough fresh healthy foods, but still feel fatigued, bloated, or have impaired digestion.

Processed foods are one of the biggest culprits behind this imbalance causing a chemical storm internally. These foods are empty calories causing us to consume large amounts due to their lack of nutritional substance, creating toxicity. These toxins accumulate in our fat cells, tissue, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, intestines, and skin and impair elimination. The build up will eventually cause long lasting chronic effects on your health.

Processed food is one way of collecting toxic build up. We consume toxins through many other avenues as well, including the air we breathe, the personal care products that we use and pesticide laden fruits and vegetables.


Fruit and vegetable juices are the cleansers, energizers, builders, and regenerators of the human system. A combination of fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices will supply all the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, protein, and fats critical to increased vitality!

The essential nutrients in fruit and vegetables are locked within their fibers. The cold-pressed method of juicing frees these essential nutrients so they can be absorbed and used directly, requiring a minimum amount of digestive effort. Therefore the metabolic energy can be used 100% for cleansing mucous matter from the lymph and toxins from the cellular tissue. They begin to soften and dissolve toxins.   Once they are softened, a great way to accelerate the release of these toxins is through Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonics.

Colon Hydrotherapy:

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective way to further soften, dislodge, and release debris that have been dumped into your colon. During a juice cleanse, you are essentially stopping peristalsis from occurring, and colonics help you maintain proper elimination methods. I recommend getting a colonic before, during, and after a juice cleanse. Further maintenance can be determined as you work with your Colon Hydro-Therapist. A colonic before helps loosen the first layer of toxins out of the body that may have been stored for some time. During, to help remove and support digestion as the juice softens build up, and after to really get down deep into the crevasses of the colon to pull out deeply rooted toxins.

Juice cleansing and colonics go hand in hand to support the body in proper toxic waste elimination. A good diet and solid fitness program also help in achieving optimal health.

Move Colonics and Green Bee Juicery are partnering to bring a fantastic package deal to you! 3 Day Holistic Juice Cleanse + 3 colonics! $360 ($410 value)

The Holistic Juice Cleanse + Colonics will be available January 2, 19 & 30.

Please reserve your spot at least 48 hours in advance. Call or email for more information .

Make health a priority in 2016!





One thought on “Juice Cleansing + Colonics: How They Work Together

  1. Kyle O'Ren says:

    I had never thought about how well juicing and colon hydrotherapy could work together. It makes a lot of sense that if you’re trying to remove waste from your system you should use the best methods of doing so together. I’m sure I have a lot to gain from trying this!


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